We provide secure, absolutely free, zero costs, fastest bridge ever made with built-in price balancing features.
- It's completely free of tax, we do not take any commissions. You're only responsible for paying cheap gas fees (on each side of bridge, BNBÐ).
- It's almost instant.
- Price balancing features are built into both BRIDGE0 and the Fast Trading Terminal.
- Comes with new FTT features:
- Bridging takes place inside the FTT with a single click, enabling you to claim your arbitrage interest instantly.
- Automated price-balancing bot softly evens out the chart prices, preserving most of the arbitrage opportunities for users.
- In order to balance opportunities and provide added protection, the standard execution time will be around 1 minute. This will affect transactions under $1000 in USD value. The higher the USD value of the bridged tokens, the more time it will take to complete the transaction, with a maximum of up to 7 minutes. This ensures that the bridge is nicely balanced between speed and security, encouraging users to engage in healthy manual arbitrage with regular buys and sells, and creating more arbitrage opportunities for users. This design also discourages scenarios where a whale buys in with enormous amounts, which can make the chart too volatile.
- BRIDGE0 operates using the Def.Cafe cross-chain off-chain oracle, which serves to monitor transactions between chains. This ensures the safety of your transactions and the security of the bridge itself.
CAFE is more suited than any other token to demonstrate a successful example of bridging and will be first to implement new service. Our tokenomics don't include excessive amounts of tokens. We offer the fastest trading terminal that enables users to engage in healthy arbitrage with guaranteed profits.
- Staking shares will be calculated, taking into consideration the burned LP-tokens from the sell tax. The longer the project develops, the greater share everyone receives.
- Portion of the sales tax (triggered by arbitrage execution) is distributed among holders through staking.
BRIDGE0 was launched first with CAFE, and then it will be offered as a service to existing tokens.

Bridges? Bridges are bad and can kill projects!
The act of bridging itself does not harm the token price. Rather, it is the lack of planning, implementation, the idea behind bridging, or harmful intentions of the project owner that can lead to problems.
Most of the popular tokens have their liquidity pools (LP) bridged between different chains. In fact, every listing on a centralized exchange (CEX) can technically be considered a form of bridging.

But what about arbitrage?
Arbitrage itself is not a bad practice. It has been mathematically proven that if there are no excess free tokens obtained through staking with rewards of native tokens or poor tokenomics, there is no way that arbitrage can cause harm.
Arbitrage is the process of taking advantage of price differences in two or more markets. In terms of bridging ERC20 tokens from one chain to another, it involves buying on the side where the price is lower and selling on the side where the price is higher.
When an arbitrage player carries out this process, prices tend to equalize, pulling both price charts upward. This also generates revenue both for arbitrage players and for the project through selling fees and contributes to filling the liquidity pool.

An automated price balancing bot? Are there arbitrage opportunities for users?
The price-balancing arbitrage bot will softly balance the charts of both networks only when it's needed and distribute profits to the project, leaving the majority of possible arbitrage revenue for the users. Revenue distribution from this bot will continue according to the existing 0XDEFCAFE scheme.
To enable convenient trading of these manual arbitrage opportunities, FTT will implement a Bridge&Trade feature, which will facilitate this process with just one click.

So, can I engage in arbitrage manually? But what will protect me from whales?
That's why BRIDGE0 is almost instant.
Nothing prevents us from making it instantaneous, but in order to balance opportunities and provide added protection, the standard execution time will be around 1 minute. This will affect transactions under $1000 in USD value. The higher the USD value of the bridged tokens, the more time it will take to complete the transaction, with a maximum of up to 7 minutes.
This ensures that the bridge is nicely balanced between speed and security. It will encourage users to engage in healthy manual arbitrage with regular buys and sells and will create more arbitrage opportunities for users.
This design also discourages scenarios where a whale buys in with enormous amounts, which can make the chart too volatile.

But what if another arbitrage bot tries to ruin it?
Outsider bots cannot bridge tokens via API. It can only be done manually through FTT. So, to engage in arbitrage, they first need to buy high into both charts, then sell with tax.
Only positive actions result from this process. Most of the arbitrage and its profit will be placed directly into the users' hands.

What chains are supported? As a project owner, can I integrate this bridge at launch?
Current development is focused on bridging between the Ethereum and BNB chains. We will offer BRIDGE0 as a service after pioneering this method with our own project.