CAFE is available on both BSC and Ethereum.
Starting price on BSC was $0.0075 per token with micro MCAP, 98% of the total supply was going to the community, and the team had only 2%. All added liquidity from sales tax is burned.
Ethereum CAFE was launched on September 2, and it matches BSC's price and liquidity 1:1.
Liquidity is locked on both chains.
-Low 10,000,000 total supply with 9 decimals.
-High MCAP/Liquidity ratio (~3.5/1)
-Honest fees (no transfer fee, no buy fee)
The 10% sell tax goes 2%/4%/4% to Liquidity, Rewards Pool, and Development & Marketing, respectively. The minimum possible sell tax is 5%, the maximum is 20%.
Contract address that no one can confuse with another:
Token is used for revenue sharing of all fees collected from using utilities.